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World Scientific Publishing is a leading international publisher of scientific, technical, and medical books and journals. Established in 1981, the company has since grown into a prominent name in academic publishing, and now publishes over 600 books and 140 journals annually. With a publication history of over 12,000 titles, a significant proportion of World Scientific's books are prescribed as reading material by prestigious institutions such as Harvard University, California Institute of Technology, Stanford University, and Princeton University.

Among its many distinguished publications, World Scientific is notable for its collection of Nobel Lectures. These titles compile the Nobel Prize lectures delivered by laureates in various fields, providing invaluable insights into their groundbreaking research and discoveries. The Nobel Lecture series includes comprehensive volumes in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, and economic sciences, showcasing the seminal contributions of Nobel Prize winners to their respective disciplines. These publications serve as an essential resource for understanding the advancements that have shaped modern science and economics.

 The following e-Book Collections are available 

Quantum Technologies   War and Terrorism
 AI and Internet of Things  Clean Energy
 Fintech  Food Security
 Islamic Economics  Top Mathematics


You can review the latest  World Scientific catalogs from the links below: (Right Click and 'Save Link As 'to download catalog)

Asian Studies Annual Catalogue 2024 New blue

Chemistry Annual Catalogue 2024  New blue

Computer Science Collection 2024 New blue

Civil Engineering Collection 2024 New blue

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Collection 2024  New blue

Life Sciences Annual Catalogue 2024 New blue

Mathematics Annual Catalouge 2024 New blue

Materials Science & Nanoscience Annual Catalog 2024 New blue

Medical Science Annual Catalogue 2024 New blue

Mechanical Engineering Annual Catalogue 2024 New blue

Physics Annual Catalogue 2024 New blue

 Business & Management Annual Catalogue 2024 New blue


Website: www.worldscientific.com